Hot Shorts!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Often the hardest part of making a decision is accepting responsibility of its outcome, rather than the actual process itself. Mine was as straightforward as could be, but all-too-predictably I just fell into a sea of emotional turmoil, meandering about aimlessly and agonising over it for a good half a year for no particular reason.

Only time will tell if I had made the right decision, and even then, evaluating alternate life paths which never existed could prove a tall order. Having said that, I've made my choice based on what I wanted and what I didn't want at this point of time, and I'll hope that's enough to justify making it.

Now's when the hardest part comes. My father talked about taking a family photograph with the kids next weekend, and I almost burst into tears. I sometimes wonder what life would be like without my family.

But that's something I never want to explore.
Simple, short, occasionally-interesting stories depicting Boy, Boy's friends, and their (mis)demeanors, Philosophical input occasionally and needlessly peppered so as to mask the shallow drivel that makes up its content. Also includes occasional reproduction of stories Boy hears from surrounding grapevines over which he bears no responsibility whatsoever.

My Photo

Uncouth, uncultured, and unabashed.

August 2007 / October 2007 / January 2008 / June 2008 /

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