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Monday, January 14, 2008
When I said that my life can be broken off into different fragments, I didn't think it would be literally so. I am now where I have been for the past three years, the festivities that come with december coming and going as usual. The cold january coming and going as usual. Yet everything seems so different - I am isolated from the world, and seem like I have holed myself in a self-constructed sphere of gloom.

Phone coverage dwindles and is mind-numbingly low, yet not low enough to not make a call or catch-up to anyone of my friends in the outside world. It becomes an excuse not to keep in touch, almost as though I am keen for time to pass by as I wither away in my focussed, yet possibly futile, pursuit of a healthy career progression.

As emotion withers away, I am but a skeletal embodiment of truth. I am a banshee in the open galaxy, hovering in the darkness of the midnight sky. At last I see life, the universe and everything as it really is. Nothingness. Quietness. Silence. I hear no sound, but I feel time passing by steadily as she'd always had been. In the end there is nothing. 2008 passes by, as does 2009. 2010, and so on. And then I qualify.

It's as though time has stopped for three years, until I qualify. Need my life be so entwined with this ruthless obsession?
Alvo :)dunno how to explain it, just plain miss you!

I guess it's ok to feel lonely once in a while... hehe it's probably sign of intellect and awareness of how the world is, but then don't grow too cynical yea. :P
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Simple, short, occasionally-interesting stories depicting Boy, Boy's friends, and their (mis)demeanors, Philosophical input occasionally and needlessly peppered so as to mask the shallow drivel that makes up its content. Also includes occasional reproduction of stories Boy hears from surrounding grapevines over which he bears no responsibility whatsoever.

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